TOKYO – The Liberal Democratic Party has presented to opposition parties a draft amendment to a bill prohibiting improper solicitations of large donations as a way to have the bill passed during the Diet session ending Saturday. The bill was…[Continue Reading...]
Wendell Jeffson, the 22-year-old son of the infamous cult leader Warren Jeffs, told Insider that the up-and-coming FLDS leader being accused of keeping 20 wives — most of them under 15 — "took a page out of my dad's playbook."…[Continue Reading...]
An all-female order shunned modern life, including electricity and spoke in pseudo-medieval English as they carried out their work. The Madrian Order originated in Oxford in the 1970s before relocating to Yorkshire. Centred around a person best known as 'Marianne…[Continue Reading...]
Ceremonial cross of John Frum cargo cult, Tanna island, New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), 1967. Photo: Tim Ross/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0 The emergence of cargo cults also reveals something else: the universal human need for ritual. Research shows that humans have…[Continue Reading...]
German officials arrested 22 suspected members and three suspected supporters of a far-right terrorist organization across the country on Wednesday on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. In a statement, the German federal prosecutor’s office said an estimated 50…[Continue Reading...]
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch posed a question on Monday about Scientology while hearing oral arguments in a crucial gay rights case. The Court heard oral arguments Monday in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, a case about whether Colorado's…[Continue Reading...]
When a celebrity dies, his or her religion is rarely a big part of the story. But Kirstie Alley’s identity off-screen was largely tied to being an outspoken envoy and defender of Scientology, the controversial and heavily criticized faith founded…[Continue Reading...]
PHOENIX — Going through old photos, Flora Jessop remembers what it was like growing up in a polygamist cult. "I have 28 brothers and sisters," Jessop said. "My dad was married to my mom and her little sister." From 1969…[Continue Reading...]
In 2018, Cheers and Look Who’s Talking actress Kirstie Alley showed up in a Church of Scientology publication called Freewinds. The magazine is named after Scientology’s private cruise ship, which sails the Caribbean and caters to wealthy church members who…[Continue Reading...]
Colorado City, Ariz. • With Samuel Bateman behind bars, his closest followers wrote down their questions they hoped he would answer on-camera when he was free again. Bateman is the religious leader of a new offshoot of the polygamous Fundamentalist…[Continue Reading...]
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