Tag: polygamy

Gay man lifts the lid on what it was like to be groomed to practice polygamy in an incestuous CULT – after being forced to marry and have seven kids

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A gay man who was raised in an extremist Mormon-adjacent cult known as The Order has opened up about his harrowing experiences from childhood to his young-adult years. Nephi Robinson, of Utah, went on the podcast and YouTube channel Cults to…[Continue Reading...]

Inside remote fundamentalist Mormon community in Nevada where families still engage in ‘PLURAL’ marriages, have spouses chosen for them by a ‘PROPHET’ – and men have DOZENS of children with their multiple wives

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A fascinating documentary has lifted the lid on life inside a fundamentalist Mormon community where families still practice 'plural marriage' - but insist they're nothing like the horrific FLDS cult founded by Warren Jeffs.Peter Santenello, 45, a popular YouTuber who is…[Continue Reading...]

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