This book contains a detailed description of the cult deprogramming process in considerable depth. Also included are case examples to show the process step-by-step through a real life perspective.[Continue Reading...]
Have you read this book? It includes the history of notable modern day cults, how to recognize cults and detailed information about both cult indoctrination/control techniques and how people can be helped through interventions.[Continue Reading...]
Author Steven Hassan, who writes and speaks about groups called “cults,” has a personal history of cult involvement. Hassan was in the Unification Church (“Moonies”) founded by Sun Myung Moon for two years in the 1970s. And his origin story…[Continue Reading...]
This book covers everything regarding cults from A-Z, including defining a destructive cult, explaining "brainwashing" and detailing how deprogramming really works.[Continue Reading...]
It's important to not label anything and everything a "cult," which diminishes the genuine suffering of cult victims. Some people seem to label those they disagree with as a "cult" refusing to recognize that cults actually comprise a very small…[Continue Reading...]
You’ve seen them in movies and on TV, but cults are more prevalent than you think—and they’re armed with strategies that can brainwash and persuade even the most unlikely of candidates. But how do individuals get involved with cults in…[Continue Reading...]
For the Cult issue, it’d be pretty weird if we didn’t interview a cult specialist to find out how to start a running cult. That was the planned approach for this interview with cult deprogrammer Rick Ross: make out like…[Continue Reading...]
These questions and more are addressed in Cults Inside Out, written by a leading cult expert Rick Alan Ross. Over the course of three decades, Ross has participated in around five hundred cult interventions, provided expert court testimony, and performed…[Continue Reading...]
You’ve seen them in movies and on TV, but cults are more prevalent than you think—and they’re armed with strategies that can brainwash and persuade even the most unlikely of candidates. But how do individuals get involved with cults in…[Continue Reading...]
You’ve seen them in movies and on TV, but cults are more prevalent than you think—and they’re armed with strategies that can brainwash and persuade even the most unlikely of candidates. But how do individuals get involved with cults in…[Continue Reading...]
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Not all groups called either "cults" or "cult- like" are harmful. A link on this page does not necessarily imply that a group is a "cult" or is dangerous. ---