Tag: coercive persuasion

Not sure what coercive control actually looks like? An expert breaks it down.

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Conversations about coercive control are at an all-time high. It comes amid the New South Wales Parliament's decision to introduce new laws to address coercive control. This is a welcomed step in the right direction according to advocates, experts and…[Continue Reading...]

What Do Cults and Terrorists Have in Common?

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For decades, religious cults have taken advantage of people who have given over their lives and fortunes to charismatic figures who prey on naive individuals.People of different faiths usually disagree on theology. However, theological differences are not necessarily the determining…[Continue Reading...]

Just because you don’t like a group or individual doesn’t mean that group is a “cult” or that person is a “cult” leader

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It's important to not label anything and everything a "cult," which diminishes the genuine suffering of cult victims. Some people seem to label those they disagree with as a "cult" refusing to recognize that cults actually comprise a very small…[Continue Reading...]

What is “brainwashing”? “Cults Inside Out” unravels the process of cult indoctrination/manipulation with detailed research

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You’ve seen them in movies and on TV, but cults are more prevalent than you think—and they’re armed with strategies that can brainwash and persuade even the most unlikely of candidates. But how do individuals get involved with cults in…[Continue Reading...]

‘They said they could make me straight’: Hongkonger recalls ‘brainwashing’ by group with gov’t funding from ‘equality’ fund

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Despite being a churchgoer, Alvin Cheung never prays. Hymns send a chill down his spine, and the last time he touched a Bible was over 10 years ago. The 38-year-old is a regular at his LGBTQ-friendly church, but avoids weekly…[Continue Reading...]

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