Convicted sexual predator Larry Ray faces sentencing Friday for abusing a group of Sarah Lawrence college students after luring them into a sadistic sex cult and terrorizing them for nearly a decade. Ray, convicted by a Manhattan federal court jury…[Continue Reading...]
More than 30 years after he died, Indian mystic Rajneesh, popularly known as Osho, is still providing food for thought toauthors, scriptwriters, and movie producers. He ran a commune in the United States, had a fleet of 93 Rolls-Royces, and…[Continue Reading...]
Lawrence "Larry" Ray, the man behind a multi-million dollar sex cult scandal involving students at Sarah Lawrence College in New York, is facing life in prison after he pleaded guilty to 15 charges, including sex trafficking and violent assault, in…[Continue Reading...]
It’s no surprise that the plural wives (and their families) of church founder Joseph Smith had varying views of polygamy. Scholar Todd Compton, author of “In Sacred Loneliness: The Documents,” noted as much during his appearance on our “Mormon Land”…[Continue Reading...]
Most people at one point or another have been approached by a friend to attend a sales party for their new endeavor. Many of these parties are for Multi-Level Marketing groups, also known as MLMs. Emily Lynn Paulsen wrote about…[Continue Reading...]
The man who assassinated former Abe Shinzo in July 2022 was motivated by the belief that the former prime minister was linked to a religious group known as the Unification Church. It was subsequently revealed that in fact many Diet…[Continue Reading...]
In a small central Albertan town sits a home with a collection of purple flags featuring a sword bifurcating a maple leaf hanging from it. The flags are for Romana Didulo, a QAnon conspiracy theorist with a cult-like following who…[Continue Reading...]
Lisa Marie Presleywas already distancing herself from the Church of Scientology when she allegedly tried to confront the religious group's leader over explosive allegations about his own father. Days after her sudden death, uncovered details about the livid Lisa…[Continue Reading...]
Over the last several decades, Tom Cruise has become one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood history. Thanks to how famous Cruise has become, there have seemingly been endless examples of headlines about his personal life. When it comes…[Continue Reading...]
An OnlyFans star who says she was part of a 'cult' has shared her disturbing experience with the organisation. Cami Strella has seen a lot in her twenty-something years of life, however she said that joining a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)…[Continue Reading...]
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