Tag: Japan

Japan parliament approves law to tighten restrictions on Unification Church donations

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Japan’s House of Councillors Saturday passed a law to tighten restrictions on the solicitation of donations by religious and secular groups. The legislation is intended to prevent Japan’s controversial Unification Church, or the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, from…[Continue Reading...]

Japan enacts law to restrict malicious donation solicitations by religious and other groups

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Japan's parliament on Saturday enacted a law to restrict malicious donation solicitations by religious and other groups, which mainly targets the Unification Church, whose fundraising tactics and cozy ties with the governing party caused public outrage. The South Korean-based religious group's decades-long…[Continue Reading...]

Japan passes funds law amid ‘cult-like’ church controversy

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The new law, approved at this year's closing parliamentary session, bans religious and other groups from using coercion or threats to solicit funds from followers. Many Unification Church followers claim they were forced to join, left in poverty, or neglected because of their parents' devotion to the…[Continue Reading...]

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