State eyes court order to dissolve the Unification Church

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The government plans to seek a court order to dissolve the Unification Church as early as mid-October following an investigation into the group’s activities triggered by the murder last year of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

It also plans to call on the Tokyo District Court to levy a fine against the group’s representative director within days as the organization, formally known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, failed to answer numerous questions related to the church’s alleged shady business practices, government sources said.

In taking this step Prime Minister Fumio Kishida wants to demonstrate that the government is making a clean break with the Unification Church following a public uproar over its ties to ruling party lawmakers.

The church has demanded massive financial donations from followers, with no regard to the family misery that can result.

The Religious Corporations Law says a court can issue a dissolution order if a religious corporation commits an “act in violation of laws and regulations that is clearly recognized as being substantially detrimental to public welfare.”

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