The Church of Scientology leader has been found after going missing in action from the public eye roughly six months ago. The religious head honcho, David Miscavige, reemerged on the anniversary of founder L. Ron Hubbard’s birth in 1911 in…[Continue Reading...]
You might hope – briefly, and only if you hadn’t been paying attention to the world – that a programme called A Very British Cult was a sitcom, set in the suburbs, based around a sect designed as a cover…[Continue Reading...]
BUCHAREST, Romania (CBS19 NEWS) -- A white supremacist who is accused of fomenting violence across the United States in 2017 has been arrested in Romania. According to BBC News, 33-year-old Robert Rundo was arrested on Friday in a Bucharest gym. He…[Continue Reading...]
BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) - When the FBI arrested Heber Jeffs on kidnapping charges in Minot in February, many people were surprised to learn that Jeffs and other members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the…[Continue Reading...]
Bob Jones University President Steve Pettit has announced he’s resigning following months of contention between him and BJU Board Chairman John Lewis over the direction of the fundamentalist school. In a statement released to the press on Thursday, Pettit said,…[Continue Reading...]
BUFFALO, N.Y. – QAnon’s journey from a fringe phenomenon in 2017 to a mainstream presence on Twitter represents an evolution that arrived by tapping into an interconnected media system, according to a recently published paper by a University at Buffalo…[Continue Reading...]
A middle-class life-coaching group accused of abusing, exploiting and fleecing vulnerable victims made £2.4million from its mentoring schemes – without declaring a penny. Over half of Lighthouse International Group's takings were paid out to its boss Paul Waugh, who lives…[Continue Reading...]
Lighthouse promises life coaching to help people realise their dreams. But an 18-month investigation by the BBC finds it takes over people's lives, separates people from their loved ones and harasses its critics. Jeff Leigh-Jones had only been part of…[Continue Reading...]
Takeaway: In Van v. LLR, Inc., 61 F.4th 1053 (9th Cir. 2023), the Ninth Circuit vacated the district court’s grant of class certification and remanded for re-assessment of whether the plaintiff had satisfied the predominance requirement. Although the court rejected…[Continue Reading...]
MARTIN AND EVE Hibbert, a father and daughter who suffered disabilities from the May 2017 terror attack outside an Ariana Grande concert, are suing conspiracy theorist Richard D Hall for defamation and harassment. The lawsuit is the first of its…[Continue Reading...]
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