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Why Do Former Daybell ‘Cult Members’ Still Believe The Crazy Concepts Of Chad Daybell?

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In this episode of "Hidden Killers With Tony Brueski," retired FBI Special Agent Robin Dreeke discusses the psychological effects of cult-like belief systems and their impact on individuals involved in high-profile legal cases like those of Chad Daybell and Lori…[Continue Reading...]

Maine man sentenced to 20 years in jail for ‘cult-like’ behavior

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Wade Brayman was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being found guilty of gross sexual misconduct and aggravated assault last year. Brayman allegedly sexually abused and controlled his victim using religion and other coercion tactics to "brainwash" them. The…[Continue Reading...]

Plymouth Brethren: Woman who grew up in church ‘cult’ says she was sexually abused and had no access to technology

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A woman born into a church she describes as a “cult”, where she claims she was sexually abused and grew up not being allowed to wear makeup, cut her hair or use technology, is now not of any faith and…[Continue Reading...]

Documentary series, ‘The Synanon Fix,’ shows drug rehab turned cult that was in Detroit

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During the 1950s, Detroit, like other urban cities, had startling numbers of residents suffering from drug abuse and the city became the ideal starting ground for the country's first drug rehabilitation programs. A new HBO Max docuseries, "The Synanon Fix,"…[Continue Reading...]

Letters to the Editor: I was in a cult that hated reporter Bob Pool. How he became a saint to me

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Learning that veteran Los Angeles Times reporter Bob Pool died, I remembered how he had transformed from a sinner to a saint in my eyes. In the 1980s, he covered the Church Universal and Triumphant led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet,…[Continue Reading...]

Interview: Personal ‘Horrible’ Experience of Korean Cult Shinchonji for a Year and Half

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South Korea's Shinchonji caused public outrage by gathering as usual to have consequently helped spreading the pandemic. In China by taking the opportunity of the pandemic, Shinchonji launched very wide network promotion of the cult which highly alerted the Chinese…[Continue Reading...]

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