Tag: survivor story

Woman lifts the lid on what it was REALLY like growing up in the Church of Scientology’s Sea Organization

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A woman has candidly lifted the lid on what it was really like growing up in the Church of Scientology's Sea Organization. Katherine Spallino, who is now based in Minnesota, appeared on a recent episode of the Cults To Consciousness…[Continue Reading...]

The chilling truth about the ‘stay-at-home daughter movement’: Woman who was raised in a cult reveals what it was like to be ‘forced into submission’ by her father after being deemed ‘DEMON-possessed’ as an INFANT

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Stay-at-home-daughters is often used a quirky description for a young woman who can live a lavish lifestyle off her family's wealth rather than get a job of her own - but it turns out, the term has a much darker…[Continue Reading...]

Plymouth Brethren: Woman who grew up in church ‘cult’ says she was sexually abused and had no access to technology

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A woman born into a church she describes as a “cult”, where she claims she was sexually abused and grew up not being allowed to wear makeup, cut her hair or use technology, is now not of any faith and…[Continue Reading...]

Concho Valley Live: From escaping a cult to finding faith, Victoria Reynolds shares how to be your best self

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Author, speaker, and confidence coach Victoria Reynolds spoke with Senora Scott about her latest book and shared advice for others dealing with difficult circumstances. She shared a bit of her story: “I had real issues with self-confidence for the longest…[Continue Reading...]

Judge out in Scientology suit over forced marriage; plaintiff lawyer calls timing ‘highly suspicious’

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LOS ANGELES (CN) — A lawsuit filed by an unnamed woman against the church of Scientology and some of its officials over the alleged sexual abuse of a minor and the arrangement of a forced marriage between the minor and…[Continue Reading...]

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