Tag: Ireland

Former Ku Klux Klan ‘grand dragon’ reportedly advising Irish far-right groups

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Frank L Silva, also known as Frank DeSilva, a former senior member of the Ku Klux Klan and a convicted terrorist, has reportedly been meeting remotely with Irish far-right extremist groups to discuss and plan anti-immigration protests in Ireland.Silva was…[Continue Reading...]

Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax review – the true story of a shocking lie about a satanic cult in a London suburb

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The core of the documentary lies in the interviews with four of the Hampstead mothers who decided to take matters into their own hands You might recollect, if only vaguely, the lie at its heart. In 2014, two young children…[Continue Reading...]

EXCLUSIVE | Women in Irish ‘cult’ encouraged to take part in sexual healing sessions with ‘master’

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Former members of a cult-like group which once boasted 2,500 members in Ireland have told how some female members were encouraged to take part in sexual healing sessions with their “master” to rid themselves of “negative energy”. Former soldier Dennis…[Continue Reading...]

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