At least 17 more people have made accusations of sexual violence against a French monk who became a household name for his charity work, according to a report published Friday, prompting his charities to distance themselves from their founder. A…[Continue Reading...]
AUSTIN (KXAN) – For decades, Dr. Helen Maidment carried mixed memories of Gethsemane Lutheran Church in North Austin. On one side, there was the joy of a fulfilling spiritual and social life centered around the church. Her husband started a…[Continue Reading...]
A third church leader at televangelist Mark Barclay’s Michigan church is being investigated for alleged sexual abuse, Barclay’s son, Pastor Josh Barclay, has confirmed to local media, while pledging the church’s full cooperation. Meanwhile, Mark Barclay has threatened whistleblowers in…[Continue Reading...]
One of Japan's largest Buddhist sects is currently under scrutiny following serious allegations made by a nun, who claims she was sexually assaulted by a monk over a span of 14 years. The accusations, which also implicate a high-ranking priest…[Continue Reading...]
SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — New allegations were filed by several women against Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad. According to court documents, the new accusations filed on Thursday involved a top leader from The Church of Jesus Christ of…[Continue Reading...]
Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Mo. (IHOPKC), is facing allegations of clergy sexual abuse “spanning several decades,” according to a statement released today by former IHOPKC leaders. Bickle has led IHOPKC since 1999—a…[Continue Reading...]
Former members of a cult-like group which once boasted 2,500 members in Ireland have told how some female members were encouraged to take part in sexual healing sessions with their “master” to rid themselves of “negative energy”. Former soldier Dennis…[Continue Reading...]
BERLIN -- A scandal centering on sexual abuse allegations against a long-deceased cardinal has created a “very difficult situation” for the troubled Catholic Church in Germany, a top German bishop said Monday, hours after a statue of the late cleric…[Continue Reading...]
#Berlin A statue of a deceased German cardinal was removed from its perch outside Essen Cathedral in western Germany on Monday, days after allegations of sexual abuse decades ago became public. The accusations against Cardinal Franz Hengsbach, who died in…[Continue Reading...]
In response to allegations of sexual assault, comedian Russell Brand issued an absolutely bonkers denial video last week. Not content with that, in response to YouTube suspending his advertising, he issued on Friday what can only be described as his…[Continue Reading...]
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