Tag: sect leader

Escudero on Quiboloy: Court arrest order has priority over Senate summon

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MANILA, Philippines — Arrest warrants issued by courts against Apollo Quiboloy will be prioritized over the Senate panel on women’s capture order against the fugitive televangelist, Senate President Chiz Escudero said on Monday. “Kung titimbangin ang arrest warrant na inisyu…[Continue Reading...]

Report: Jean Vanier’s L’Arche Hid ‘Mystical-Sexual’ Sect for Decades

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Two years after abuse allegations against L’Arche’s late founder Jean Vanier were made public, an investigation shows the secret was “carefully maintained for decades.” From the famous Christian community he developed in Trosly-Breuil, France, the Catholic theologian and leader perpetuated…[Continue Reading...]

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