Tag: conspiracy theories

The 4 Stages of Conspiracy Theory Escalation on Social Media

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Conspiracy theory beliefs and (more generally) misinformation may be groundless, but they can have a range of harmful real-world consequences, including spreading lies, undermining trust in media and government institutions and inciting violent or even extremist behaviors. For example, some…[Continue Reading...]

The UFO congressional hearing was ‘insulting’ to US employees, a top Pentagon official says

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WASHINGTON (AP) — A top Pentagon official has attacked this week’s widely watched congressional hearing on UFOs, calling the claims “insulting” to employees who are investigating sightings and accusing a key witness of not cooperating with the official U.S. government…[Continue Reading...]

New book explains how human brains are predisposed to believe conspiracy theories and political lies

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A new book explores how human brains are predisposed to believe conspiracy theories and political lies. "I studied the words of big liars throughout contemporary history, from Hitler to Trump and found common patterns," University of Toronto linguist Marcel Danesi…[Continue Reading...]

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