When Michelle Dowd first started writing as a young girl, it was during stolen moments in the margins of a Sears catalog. The only larger book she owned was her childhood Bible, and in her family the catalog was akin…[Continue Reading...]
A clinical psychologist has exposed the most common phrases that narcissists use in order to manipulate others - particularly when it comes to their relationships. Perpetua Neo, from Singapore, claims that all narcissists operate with similar methods, so the tactics they use…[Continue Reading...]
In Israel, the ultra-Orthodox, who strictly observe Jewish law, are currently about 13% of Israel’s population, although their numbers are growing due to a high birthrate. At the same time, a growing number of ultra-Orthodox youth are opting out of…[Continue Reading...]
Police in East Kyoga have mounted a search for at least 100 members of a religious cult who have reportedly gone missing in Serere District. The missing sect members belong to Christ Disciples Church (CDC) based in Obululun Village, Bugondo…[Continue Reading...]
The assassination of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzō by a second-generation member of the Unification Church claiming that his mother’s donations to the organization destroyed his family has focused attention on the UC’s deep ties with the ruling Liberal Democratic…[Continue Reading...]
Some fraudsters are so good at their murky art they gain fame - with a few even getting movies or a TV show based on them. With the release of Julianne Moore's swindler caper Sharper, we've looked at the most…[Continue Reading...]
The French financial market supervisor, locally known as Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), issued a warning against the services of unauthorized automated forex trading Forex Trading Forex trading is the buying and selling of foreign currencies with the aim of…[Continue Reading...]
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is a method based on distributors selling goods or services, in the meantime attracting new recruits to the company. These salespeople are incentivized to draw others in by receiving a percentage from their sales. The same way,…[Continue Reading...]
David Miscavige filed an objection to Magistrate Judge Julie S. Sneed's ruling that he was legally served and, therefore, an official defendant in the labor trafficking lawsuit brought on by three ex-Scientologists, RadarOnline.com has learned. William Schifino, the attorney representing…[Continue Reading...]
TOKYO: Ryuho Okawa, the leader of the Japanese “Happy Science” cult who claimed to be able to communicate with the spirits of everyone from Jesus to Donald Trump, died on Thursday aged 66, local media reported. He was rushed to…[Continue Reading...]
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