You can now include the Church of Scientology alongside big tech firms like Apple and tractor makers John Deere for groups that have opposed the right to repair. Earlier this month, Authors Services, Inc., the organization that represents the late…[Continue Reading...]
Prosecutors have charged four Finnish men linked to far-right groups with offences linked to terrorist intent. The offences include aggravated firearms charges and training to commit a terrorist act. The suspected crimes took place in Lahti as well as in…[Continue Reading...]
The reader said, “I often wonder if my cousins are members of a cult. They worship Donald Trump. He has become a god-like figure in their lives and no matter what Trump does, their feelings do not change.” The reader…[Continue Reading...]
The Church of Scientology hasn’t yet responded in court to Leah Remini’s harassment lawsuit filed earlier this month, but according to the Emmy winner, the David Miscavige-led organization has made some harsh moves in reaction. “In the short period of…[Continue Reading...]
Barefoot girls hold a ribbon and loop around a maypole. Some, styled as the “Little Lambs,” dance for the hundreds gathered at the 15-acre Timonium estate known as The Farm. There are pony rides, potato-sack races, even a live band…[Continue Reading...]
In the U.S., the sentencing of the 2018 Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue shooter and the arraignment of the former president for his role in the conspiracy and riots of 6 January 2021 dominated the news in early August 2023.…[Continue Reading...]
Beit Shemesh Mayor Aliza Bloch had to be rescued by Israel Police Tuesday night after hundreds of ultra-Orthodox protesters violently protested her appearance at the opening of an ultra-Orthodox school in the city. The protesters threw rocks, smashing her car…[Continue Reading...]
Due to accusations of prior sexual abuse by a current leader, about ten people protested against the Kent Jehovah’s Witnesses church recruiting downtown in a march off Franklin Avenue Saturday. Anna Ciano-Hendricks, co-organizer of the event and former Jehovah’s Witness, said…[Continue Reading...]
Two weeks after he publicly came out as gay, former Bob Jones University student Andrew Pledger heard a knock on his door. It was his final semester of his senior year. He was resting in his dorm room during the…[Continue Reading...]
It's disturbing to learn of yet another mass-market-level consumer fraud that was reportedly committed exploiting legal financial channels to defraud thousands of people in various districts. According to a report by Prothom Alo, the group behind this is a multi-level marketing…[Continue Reading...]
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