Multi-level Marketing Businesses “There are two scams involving essential oils. First is the multi-level marketing business, where you recruit people to sell overpriced rubbish to other people. The other is the idea that essential oils are a replacement for health…[Continue Reading...]
A month after the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of theOdisha Police bust a crypto token scam of ₹1,000 crore, the Bureau of Immigration has issued Look-Out Circulars against three persons of Rajasthan, who are the close associates of the main…[Continue Reading...]
This week the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco filed for bankruptcy protection. Here in California, it joins the Diocese of Oakland and the Diocese of Santa Rosa, which also filed for Chapter 11 protection earlier this year. And the…[Continue Reading...]
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' has an investment portfolio topping $100 billion that includes $49.3 billion invested in stocks. The portfolio is registered with the SEC under the name Ensign Peak Advisors, and its lack of disclosures…[Continue Reading...]
Common people are easily swayed by religion. And for decades, some televangelists, godmen, and preachers have been doing this. The growing obsession with such leaders has made it easier for them to commit horrific crimes and remain untouched by the…[Continue Reading...]
A prominent figure in the online QAnon movement — who insists she is the “Queen of Canada” — has been meeting with supporters in Sault Ste. Marie throughout the weekend. Romana Didulo could be seen on Saturday speaking to small groups of…[Continue Reading...]
In yet another unexpected twist from the private life of Tom Cruise, it seems there may be a huge reason why the Oscar-nominated actor potentially left the Church of Scientology after over 30 years. For those that don’t know, there…[Continue Reading...]
It is not the best of times for residents of Awka, Anambra State capital as cult related killings escalate in the city centre. This has also become a source of concern to stakeholders of the town, to the point of…[Continue Reading...]
I don't know how to heal religious trauma. How do you begin to piece through decades of devotion? When the house of your belief is burned to the ground, the work of turning over the rubble, looking for valuables is…[Continue Reading...]
These days, the world of true crime is vast, expansive and seemingly never-ending. We have grisly murders and thieves, white collar crimes and cover ups, stings and mysterious cold cases. But if there’s one particular corner of true crime that…[Continue Reading...]
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