Tag: Maryland

Baltimore County woman pleads guilty to conspiring with neo-Nazi leader to attack energy grid

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A woman on Tuesday admitted to conspiring with a neo-Nazi leader to destroy electrical substations surrounding Baltimore in an attack that she told a confidential FBI source would be “legendary” and “probably permanently completely lay this city to waste.” Sarah…[Continue Reading...]

Maryland AG report into Archdiocese of Baltimore alleges 156 Catholic clergy members and others abused more than 600 children

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A report from Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown released Wednesday alleges 156 Catholic clergy members and others abused at least 600 children over the course of more than six decades. “From the 1940s through 2002, over a hundred priests and…[Continue Reading...]

Baltimore judge orders Catholic clergy abuse report proceedings remain secret; no decision yet on report’s release

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The legal fight over whether to make public a comprehensive report on sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests in Maryland will continue to play out behind closed doors, a Baltimore judge ruled. Presented with two motions from abuse victims challenging…[Continue Reading...]

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