Tag: Baltimore

Baltimore County woman pleads guilty to conspiring with neo-Nazi leader to attack energy grid

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A woman on Tuesday admitted to conspiring with a neo-Nazi leader to destroy electrical substations surrounding Baltimore in an attack that she told a confidential FBI source would be “legendary” and “probably permanently completely lay this city to waste.” Sarah…[Continue Reading...]

My Childhood in a Cult: Growing Up in a Controversial Baltimore Religious Community

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Barefoot girls hold a ribbon and loop around a maypole. Some, styled as the “Little Lambs,” dance for the hundreds gathered at the 15-acre Timonium estate known as The Farm. There are pony rides, potato-sack races, even a live band…[Continue Reading...]

Baltimore judge orders Catholic clergy abuse report proceedings remain secret; no decision yet on report’s release

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The legal fight over whether to make public a comprehensive report on sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests in Maryland will continue to play out behind closed doors, a Baltimore judge ruled. Presented with two motions from abuse victims challenging…[Continue Reading...]

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