Tag: child abuse

Vatican’s secretary of state: Clerical abuse not linked to homosexuality

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The Vatican's secretary of state has dismissed the claim that clergy sexual abuse is linked to homosexuality, labeling it a "serious and scientifically untenable association." "Homosexual orientation cannot be considered as either cause or aspect typical of the abuser, even…[Continue Reading...]

‘They lock them at home, teaching them about end times from book of Revelation’

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Residents of Mitero village, in the Tigithi area of Laikipia, have urged relevant government agencies to take action against a family that has removed their seven children from school after joining a suspect religious sect. According to the children's grandmother,…[Continue Reading...]

Jehovah’s Witnesses apply for judicial review of Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care

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The Jehovah's Witness church has filed an application for a judicial review of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care, arguing it doesn't bear responsibility for care of children and that no abuse occurred that was within the scope of the inquiry.…[Continue Reading...]

The list of 51 Peoria Catholic Diocese clergy named in a 2023 report on child sex abuse

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A yearslong investigation into child sex abuse by members of the Catholic clergy in Illinois has found at least 1,997 children in the state's six dioceses were sexually abused between 1950 and 2019. The Peoria Catholic Diocese, which covers 26…[Continue Reading...]

First study of clerical abuse in Brazil calls known cases ‘tip of the iceberg’

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SÃO PAULO – An unprecedented new compendium of child abuse cases in the Brazilian Catholic Church has found that 108 members of the clergy victimized 148 children and teenagers since 2000. The authors, however, claim those totals are only the…[Continue Reading...]

Body Snatcher: Cult Leader Samuel Bateman Convinced His Wives To Brazenly Kidnap Underage Victims From Arizona Foster Homes

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Crazed cult leader Samuel Bateman convinced loyal spouses to allegedly kidnap eight of his underage “wives” from the custody of Arizona Department of Child Safety, RadarOnline.com has learned. The brazen plot was allegedly hatched by Bateman, 47, in November 2022…[Continue Reading...]

‘Mormon prophet’ cult leader forced children as young as nine to be wives

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A sick 'Mormon prophet' cult leader is accused of forcing children as young as nine to be his wives. Samuel Bateman, 46, from Arizona, US, has been charged with 51 felonies for transporting children across state lines to facilitate sexual…[Continue Reading...]

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