A fabled West Hills compound in rustic Box Canyon, once home to a cult leader and his barefooted followers in robes, is on the market for $4.8 million. Set on 16.5 acres, the property branded “Xanadu” and promoted for its…[Continue Reading...]
A promotional video for this listed California property calls it Xanadu — the fabled city built by Kublai Khan — but it’s not what many may think. The massive parcel of wild land in Box Canyon in Southern California’s Simi…[Continue Reading...]
The Synanon was a community founded by Charles E. “Chuck” Dederich in 1958. After being a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, a rehabilitation group for people suffering from alcohol abuse, Charles decided to start a community of his own for people…[Continue Reading...]
In affluent Marin County, California, violent crime was seldom seen. But on Aug. 3, 2000, police responded to a secluded studio apartment tucked behind a family home after reports of gunshots. Inside, two bodies lay in the bedroom: Jenny Villarin,…[Continue Reading...]
March 26, 1997 was a bad day for a lot of people. It was a bad day for the family and friends of 39 Heaven’s Gate cult members, who learned that their loved ones had died in a mansion in…[Continue Reading...]
Synanon was the brainchild of Charles “Chuck” Dederich. The infamous cult leader died in 1997, but the story of his reformative-turned-destructive drug rehabilitation organization is now the center of a four-part docuseries on HBO. Titled The Synanon Fix: Did The…[Continue Reading...]
What happens when a rehab program that is supposed to cure addictions becomes addictive itself? That’s the story of Synanon, an organization that went from providing revolutionary therapy to becoming “a kooky cult,” as TIME put it in 1977. The…[Continue Reading...]
A chilling cult convinced 39 people to end their lives to "board an alien spaceship" for a new life among the stars. The leader of Heaven's Gate filled the minds of his followers with strange beliefs and, after an anonymous…[Continue Reading...]
Today is Tuesday, March 26, the 86th day of 2024. There are 280 days left in the year. In 1997, the bodies of 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate techno-religious cult who committed suicide were found inside a rented mansion…[Continue Reading...]
Before there were organizations in place to help people with drug addiction, the landscape for people with these problems was harsh and unforgiving. In the late 1950s, Charles "Chuck" Dederich wanted to change that. Dederich — who was open about…[Continue Reading...]
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