New Delhi: In a poignant interview with The Times, 54-year-old Prem Sargam shared her harrowing experiences of sexual abuse within the infamous Rajneesh movement, also known as the Osho cult, founded by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Sargam’s ordeal began at the…[Continue Reading...]
An underground sect that the FBI is investigating after it was exposed for historical child sexual abuse has many markers of a high-control group, cult experts say. The Christian sect has no official name or buildings, but is known to…[Continue Reading...]
It’s easy to imagine that those lured into following deluded narcissists who demand unquestioning devotion to their wild beliefs - aliens, incest, the end of the world, even mass suicide - are somehow weak or stupid. But, says JW Ocker…[Continue Reading...]
JERALD Walker knew he was different from his mates - because they told him it was weird that he was not allowed to celebrate his birthday or Christmas. But what his friends and neighbours didn't know is that he was…[Continue Reading...]
Members of the mysterious religious group, which counts Tom Cruise and John Travolta among its devotees, tried to snap up Adele's mansion to expand their Sussex foothold. Never mind Chasing Pavements, Adele had a run-in with secretive Scientologists who were…[Continue Reading...]
IPOH: There are currently fewer than 10 deviant cults operating in Perak and the authorities are keeping a close watch on them, says Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad. The Perak Mentri Besar acknowledged the existence of these groups but opted not…[Continue Reading...]
Decult is being held at Christchurch’s Tūranga Central Library on October 19 and 20. It aims to bring together cult leavers, academic experts, advocates, and activists to "help raise awareness, build networks, and educate professionals who want to minimise harm".…[Continue Reading...]
San Francisco in the 1970s was exploding with liberation. From black rights to the first feminist advocacy group for sex workers, the Californian city was charged with an atmosphere of political change. So when the Vietnam War ended on April…[Continue Reading...]
Celebration Mall had stood empty for years until new owners with grand ambitions swept in 24 years ago. Soon, the derelict shopping centre – nestled in the Bandar Country Homes neighbourhood of Rawang, Malaysia – was reborn into a bustling…[Continue Reading...]
The incident, which occurred on Thursday, was said to have started when the cult members engaged in a gun duel over supremacy and territoriality. An indigene of the community who spoke to TheCable said the cultists shot more than 10…[Continue Reading...]
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