Young New Zealanders worried about the cost of living are being drawn into multilevel marketing schemes, but there’s a warning that they can be costly, both financially and socially. Multi-level marketing is where a person earns money by promoting and…[Continue Reading...]
These questions and more are addressed in Cults Inside Out, written by a leading cult expert Rick Alan Ross. Over the course of three decades, Ross has participated in around five hundred cult interventions, provided expert court testimony, and performed…[Continue Reading...]
An RNZ investigation has found 11 active Jehovah Witnesses have child sex abuse convictions or serious allegations made against them. Most members of the religion appear to have no idea who the offenders are. The identities of the men and…[Continue Reading...]
Amy Duggar has never been one to hold back when it comes to her true feelings about her relatives, and she's definitely not showing any signs of stopping now. In a new interview with the Daily Mail, Amy accused Jim…[Continue Reading...]
The Chinese government is focused on the “Five Poisons” that they believe are a threat to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP): Taiwanese independence, Tibetan independence, Xinjiang separatists, the Chinese democracy movement, and the Falun Gong. While many Americans have at…[Continue Reading...]
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — Two members of a faith healing church in Oregon City pleaded guilty to denying their son medical care on Tuesday. Brittney and Jake Heimbigner, members of the Followers of Christ Church, admitted they didn’t get their…[Continue Reading...]
A movie mogul and member of a powerful Mormon dynasty has accused the church of 'lying' about how it has spent billions of dollars of members' money in a bombshell interview with James Huntsman, the son of billionaire Mormon…[Continue Reading...]
Healy World only entered the multi-level marketing world a few years ago. But it's been blitzing social media in the past few months to try to gain new distributors. In the past, these schemes usually pushed nonessential consumer goods like…[Continue Reading...]
In my most recent nonfiction book, "Operation Mindf**k: QAnon & the Cult of Donald Trump," I focused extensively on a "QTuber" named Rick Rene, because I viewed him then and now as the perfectly imperfect microcosm of the entire messed-up…[Continue Reading...]
When Rae was pregnant with her first child, she joined a car seat safety group online for advice. While helpful information was on offer, the Perth local aged in her 30s describes an "undercurrent of nastiness" led by an "army…[Continue Reading...]
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