The QAnon Queen Was Just Labeled ‘Fake’ on Telegram, and She’s Pissed

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Followers of the so-called QAnon Queen of Canada who logged onto Telegram to see their leader’s inane ramblings were greeted with an unpleasant dose of reality this week.

“Warning: Many users report that this account impersonates a famous person or organization,” reads a tag now connected to Queen Romana Didulo’s Telegram account. To add insult to injury, the tab where the chat is displayed on the app is overlaid with stark red lettering that reads “fake.”

Didulo has convinced her followers that she’s the true leader of Canada, on the vanguard of a secret war she’s fighting against an international cabal of pedophiles. Her followers believe she’s not only royalty but also an interdimensional being who’s in contact with an intergalactic alliance of aliens. Despite her eccentric claims, Didulo has built a following who hang on her every word and will frequently send her money. Some have even given up their lives to live with her in a convoy of RVs traveling around Canada.

It’s not just Didulo’s main page that’s being described as fake but many of her ancillary pages, like where her followers congregate to discuss their love for “her royal majesty,” and a popular page where followers can send questions to Didulo and receive answers. The Telegram pages are Didulo’s primary way of communicating with her audience and her audience’s primary way of networking.

Didulo was none too pleased about the tags.

“The Fake Label of this Channel by the Deepstaters, Cabal, and Blackhats, simply reinforces and validates further HRM [Her Royal Majesty] Queen Romana’s authentic work in the Kingdom of Canada and around the work,” she wrote. “Hold the Lane Folks.

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