A powerful leader with unwavering influence over followers, a powerful satanic ritual, worship of the dark forces, bloody sacrifices — taking cues from popular notions about a fanatical cult, classic horror movies about cults elicit scare in a way that…[Continue Reading...]
In The Truth Hurts, a series of VICE documentaries, Bupé Bhima explored the roots and spread of modern conspiracy theories: why they’re dangerous and how they become violent. After conducting extensive research into where conspiracy theories come from, the results…[Continue Reading...]
Cinema has long been a platform for exploring the darker corners of human nature, and few subjects evoke the same mix of fascination and dread as cults. These communities, often led by charismatic and manipulative figures, offer fertile ground for…[Continue Reading...]
In Disney+’s Australian series The Clearing, Miranda Otto plays a charismatic woman named Adrienne, who dresses fancy and speaks in a slow, pretentious lilt. She’s just your average holier-than-thou churchgoer who likes a bit of yoga, believes herself to be…[Continue Reading...]
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