Tag: medical neglect

Boise Democrat finds new way to target Idaho’s faith healing protections

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A Boise Democrat hopes an apparent contradiction in Idaho law will convince lawmakers to reverse the state’s exemption for parents who deny their children medical treatment for religious reasons. An Idaho law on “desertion and nonsupport” of children and spouses…[Continue Reading...]

More deaths from faith-healing recorded in Idaho as advocates fight to end practice

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Activists in Idaho are continuing their push to repeal or amend laws that protect parents from prosecution when they allow their children to die from preventable illnesses by denying them medical care and relying exclusively on prayer and spiritual healing.…[Continue Reading...]

Idaho faith healing exemption still unchanged. Canyon County counts 8 more deaths

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Linda Martin grew up with death. As a child, she would see friends at church one week and then never again, she said. When the community’s elders gathered at someone’s home, she assumed the worst: another loss. Martin, who now…[Continue Reading...]

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