Tag: Grace Road Church

A South Korean ‘cult’ in Fiji? Grace Road Church business practices under scrutiny over forced labour allegations

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The suspects from Grace Road Church (GRC), which has established itself in business chains across the Pacific island nation, were given a reprieve last week by Fiji’s High Court, which ruled they should be allowed to stay in the country,…[Continue Reading...]

Grace Road cult leader on Interpol red notice remains in Fiji immigration custody

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Fiji media reports Grace Road Fiji's president Daniel Kim remains in immigration custody after the Lautoka High Court instructed Kim's counsel "to refile an amendment in regards to the judicial review matter where the State is seeking the court to…[Continue Reading...]

Fiji deports South Korean doomsday ‘cult’ members as Grace Road Church leader slams arrests

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Police in Fiji arrested four members of a South Korean doomsday cult, deporting two and seeking the arrest of two others, but the group's leader has denied a government minister's claim he is "on the run". The Grace Road Church, described as a "cult"…[Continue Reading...]

Fiji is deporting leaders of a South Korean sect that built a business empire in the island country

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WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Fijian authorities on Thursday said they were in the process of deporting six leaders of a South Korean religious sect that a decade ago moved hundreds of followers to Fiji and built a series of…[Continue Reading...]

Doomsday cult members deported from Fiji, but leader is in hiding

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Fijian authorities announced on Thursday that a task force had captured and deported two out of six members of the Korean doomsday Christian cult, Grace Road. All six individuals have been declared "prohibited immigrants". The group's leader and another is…[Continue Reading...]

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