Tag: former ultra orthodox Jews

2,000 New York ultra-Orthodox Jews protest Israel’s army draft, war

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NEW YORK — Chanting “Shame on you, Israeli government,” some 2,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews from upstate and New York City protested Thursday evening in front of the Consulate General of Israel on Second Avenue in Manhattan in opposition to Israel’s war…[Continue Reading...]

Israeli police arrest 120 ultra-Orthodox Jews protesting army draft

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Several thousand ultra-Orthodox Jews blocked a major intersection in central Jerusalem on Thursday to protest against efforts to force them to enlist in the Israeli military like their secular compatriots. There were simultaneous disturbances in other parts of the city,…[Continue Reading...]

She Left the Haredi World. Here’s Why She Worries for Her Granddaughters Who Remain There

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One day last month, Judith Rotem attended the circumcision ceremony of one of her many great-grandchildren. The newborn is from the Haredi side of the family, the grandson of her only son, who chose to remain in the Haredi –…[Continue Reading...]

More of Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Youth Abandoning Religious Lifestyle

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In Israel, the ultra-Orthodox, who strictly observe Jewish law, are currently about 13% of Israel’s population, although their numbers are growing due to a high birthrate. At the same time, a growing number of ultra-Orthodox youth are opting out of…[Continue Reading...]

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