Tag: ultra Orthodox Jewish sects

Israeli court halts subsidies for ultra-Orthodox who don’t serve in army

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TEL AVIV — Israel's Supreme Court on Thursday ordered an end to state funding for ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students who do not serve in the army, a blockbuster ruling that could imperil the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he wages…[Continue Reading...]

From ultra-Orthodox outcast to TikTok sensation: Riki Rotter’s path to freedom

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After being expelled twice from the seminary (once because she watched "HaMerotz LaMillion" - an Israeli adventure reality game show based on the international Amazing Race franchise), Riki (then Rivki) Rotter overheard a secret late-night conversation between her parents. At…[Continue Reading...]

More of Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Youth Abandoning Religious Lifestyle

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In Israel, the ultra-Orthodox, who strictly observe Jewish law, are currently about 13% of Israel’s population, although their numbers are growing due to a high birthrate. At the same time, a growing number of ultra-Orthodox youth are opting out of…[Continue Reading...]

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