Dressed in a slightly too big blazer, his hair gelled all fuzzy like a baby bird’s, and belting out a ‘70s ork-pop classic, he’s a boy cosplaying as a man. Cute as a button but with a matured, honeyed voice,…[Continue Reading...]
Benson Boone has opened up about growing up as a Mormon, admitting that it made him feel “confused and frustrated”. The Grammy-nominated artist sat down with Rolling Stone as the first of four cover stars for its Future Of Music…[Continue Reading...]
A woman who grew up in Hasidic Jewish community where she was taught her only goal should be to 'bear as many children as possible' has recounted her harrowing escape after she was 'sold' by her own parents to an…[Continue Reading...]
SALT LAKE CITY — Charlene Jeffs smiles as she talks about finding her personal freedom since leaving the Fundamentalist LDS Church. "I've been free," she said in an interview Friday with FOX 13 News. "I don’t have to ask permission…[Continue Reading...]
A former Jehovah's Witness whose parents were siblings has opened up about their twisted relationship, which saw them having seven children together. Vanessa, from northeast Ohio, appeared on a recent episode of the We're All Insane podcast alongside host Devorah…[Continue Reading...]
“It’s insane, it’s just insane,” Valerie Haney kept saying as she emerged from her first day undergoing the Church of Scientology’s top-secret “religious arbitration” process. Haney’s outfit that day—a tight black minidress and thigh-high leather boots complementing her long, curly…[Continue Reading...]
(RNS) — Kiersten White had a happy, protected childhood. Growing up in Highland, Utah, the award-winning novelist attended a high school that was 96% Mormon. She descended from pioneers who crossed the plains in the 1800s to live out their…[Continue Reading...]
A Port Alberni writer has released a memoir where he talks about his experience escaping from a religious cult. In 1972, author Perry Bulwer says he was a naive 16-year-old growing up in Port Alberni, a mill town on Vancouver…[Continue Reading...]
Barefoot girls hold a ribbon and loop around a maypole. Some, styled as the “Little Lambs,” dance for the hundreds gathered at the 15-acre Timonium estate known as The Farm. There are pony rides, potato-sack races, even a live band…[Continue Reading...]
“Are you the people who don’t have blood transfusions?” was the first thing most people asked if any of us mentioned our religion. We weren’t supposed to say “yes”, because we weren’t meant to allow our faith to be defined…[Continue Reading...]
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