Tag: Falun Gong

Epoch Times, the conspiratorial pro-Trump outlet, enters a new market: faith-based movies

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In recent years, The Epoch Times has amassed a large audience as a publisher of right-wing news articles and peddler of baseless election conspiracies. This summer, the conservative media company is hoping to conquer new territory: Hollywood. Epoch Studios, a…[Continue Reading...]

Epoch Times CFO May Have Laundered Millions Through Shen Yun Dance Troupe and Conspiracy Fueled Chinese TV Channel

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I told you a couple of weeks ago, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York has charged the chief financial officer of the Epoch Times with trying to launder $67 million. Weidong Guan, a/k/a “Bill Guan,”…[Continue Reading...]

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s Connection To Alleged Chinese Cult Surfaces Amid Million-Dollar Laundering Scheme

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To many, Shen Yun is known for the performance advertisements that seem to be in every major city, promising an unforgettable night of traditional Chinese dance and music performances. However, in recent years, the performances have been criticized for the…[Continue Reading...]

The conspiracy-loving Epoch Times is thinking about opening…a journalism school?

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The admissions brochure writes itself. “Learn journalism that’s ‘fueled by a right-wing slant and conspiracy theories’!” “Take classes from ‘a leading purveyor of right-wing misinformation’!” “Gain the skills to generate a ‘singular mix of straight news, religious belief, conspiracy peddling,…[Continue Reading...]

A billboard campaign in southwest Michigan claims the Epoch Times is “#1 trusted news.” Is it?

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Billboards promoting The Epoch Times, an international media outlet affiliated with the Falun Gong religious movement and rooted in opposition to the Chinese Communist Party, are showing up around southwest Michigan, including in Kalamazoo County. The marketing on these billboards…[Continue Reading...]

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