Even if you don’t know Shen Yun’s name, you’ll know its ads: on a laminated A3 poster, a brightly dressed Chinese dancer leaps through the air, the words “CHINA BEFORE COMMUNISM” plastered above. Ostensibly, Shen Yun promises a two-hour musical,…[Continue Reading...]
It depends on who you talk to. People who’ve seen a performance of the Shun Yen dance troupe will tell you that it is a beautiful story of resilience and 5, 000 years of rich Chinese history and culture told…[Continue Reading...]
In cities around the world, vibrant advertisements for the Chinese traditional dance troupe Shen Yun catch the eye – on billboards, television and even on leaflets posted through front doors. "Swirling in colourful costumes", Shen Yun dancers are sent out…[Continue Reading...]
If you’ve taken the London Underground in the last month or so, you’ll likely have been so bombarded by the Shen Yun dance show adverts that you’ve not had time to take them in properly. Their aggressive advertising campaign and…[Continue Reading...]
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