By Horace Palacio: The Belize Police Department has issued an urgent appeal to the public for assistance in locating missing Guatemalan children believed to be concealed within Belizean territory by members of a suspected cult. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams…[Continue Reading...]
A secretive group called the Zizians, with ties to AI and veganism, is linked to violent crimes across the U.S. The mysterious deaths of Richard and Rita Zajko have garnered attention, implicating their daughter Michelle as a person of interest.…[Continue Reading...]
WARNING: CONFRONTING CONTENT Elizabeth Rose Struhs had just finished grade three at school and like any child was looking forward to the holidays. But the eight-year-old never made it to grade four. Sign up to The Nightly's newsletters. Get the…[Continue Reading...]
Earlier this week, Belizean authorities deported three men back to Guatemala, believed to be members of the extremist Jewish sect Lev Tahor, which is based in Guatemala. Authorities confirmed that two of the men are wanted for multiple child abductions…[Continue Reading...]
Season 1 episode 9 of How I Escaped My Cult on Hulu replays the Berghoz Clan's cult leader, Samuel Mullet's crimes. It also features former member Johnny Mast, who escaped from the Berghoz clan. This particular episode of How I…[Continue Reading...]
Another detail has emerged in the complicated, sordid, and violent saga of the Zizians, and it is the first to draw a direct link between Jack "Ziz" LaSota and an order compelling someone to murder. If you have not heard…[Continue Reading...]
Belize on Tuesday said it was sending three men, including a leader of the Jewish sect Lev Tahor, back to Guatemala after arresting them at the Central American countries' shared border. Avraham Dinkel, a Canadian citizen who has acted as…[Continue Reading...]
NEW YORK (VINnews) — As rabbis, religious leaders, and activists work to dismantle the dangerous Lev Tahor cult, whose leaders abuse children, force marriages at age 13, and commit numerous other crimes, three men of the cult escaped last Saturday…[Continue Reading...]
Even if you don’t know Shen Yun’s name, you’ll know its ads: on a laminated A3 poster, a brightly dressed Chinese dancer leaps through the air, the words “CHINA BEFORE COMMUNISM” plastered above. Ostensibly, Shen Yun promises a two-hour musical,…[Continue Reading...]
Follow the Leader is a four-part docuseries investigating various fringe cultures across the Americas, beginning with vigilante predator hunters in the first episode and continuing on with the “Passport Bros” in the second segment. In each mini-documentary, host Jamali Maddix…[Continue Reading...]
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