Those of you with a penchant for the macabre, like me, might be pretty familiar with some of the more infamous cults throughout history. We have seen many of them come and go, sometimes with tragic stories ending in scandals,…[Continue Reading...]
With hit documentaries like “Love Has Won” and “Escaping Twin Flames” and podcasts like “Let’s Talk About Sects” and “Escaping NXIVM,” it’s clear the public fascination with all things cult is alive and well. So too are audiences curious about…[Continue Reading...]
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — She's the reclusive leader of a controversial Brentwood church who reportedly hasn't been seen at services in years. But in a newly obtained recording, Elizabeth Shamblin Hannah — daughter of the late Christian diet guru Gwen…[Continue Reading...]
The newly released Netflix documentary series Escaping Twin Flames has brought a fresh wave of global attention to the Twin Flames Universe (TFU), a controversial community headed by Jeff and Shaleia Ayan, aka Jeff and Shaleia Divine, that some have…[Continue Reading...]
'Tis the season to watch cult documentaries, not Christmas romcoms filmed in Ogden last summer. Christmastime and cults go together like milk and phenobarbital-laced cookies: hypnotic sparkly lights; feigned goodwill; nonstop ad indoctrination; savior confusion (Jesus? Santa? Warren Jeffs?). Wake…[Continue Reading...]
What lengths would you take in order to find the love of your life? A new Netflix documentary has exposed an online dating community in the US filled with hopefuls willing to part with thousands of dollars, and in extreme…[Continue Reading...]
It’s a common story told by the Right: a woman looking for answers and happiness is convinced by a cult to transition into a man only to become sad and lonely. The only detail they were missing is that the…[Continue Reading...]
Director Cecilia Peck and producer Inbal Lessner know cults. They've been following high-control groups — most notably NXIVM and Twin Flames Universe — for the better part of a decade, and their diligence has resulted in two of the most…[Continue Reading...]
What is it that draws people into the sinister depths of cults? Is it the allure of the unknown, the promise of enlightenment, or the hypnotic charisma of a leader? While it’s hard to believe that anyone could fall victim…[Continue Reading...]
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