There really was a secret society called the Illuminati that aimed to create a New World Order. In this episode of After Dark: Myths, Misdeeds & the Paranormal, The team lifts the curtain and discovers the real life secrets of…[Continue Reading...]
If you also haven't heard that name since way back when (well, 2020), let me refresh you. It's a conspiracy theory alleging that President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against the "deep state," or "a cabal of Satan-worshipping…[Continue Reading...]
Poor sleep can make you susceptible to a wide range of physical and mental health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and anxiety. But new research indicates it may also increase the chances of yet another unwanted outcome: embracing…[Continue Reading...]
A new study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin has found that the connection between our basic psychological needs and belief in conspiracy theories is not static, but can shift over time within individuals. Researchers found that changes…[Continue Reading...]
Clocks across the state sprung ahead by an hour. Brenda Rotert, sleep lab coordinator at Avera Health, discusses the health effects of daylight savings (1:00 to 8:05). We bring you a 2024 conversation with Joel Allen, Ph.D., and Jeff Pospisil…[Continue Reading...]
Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? New research has highlighted an important factor: spite. Conspiracy theories—alternative explanations for major events that reject well-evidenced explanations in favor of implausible, illogical, or fantastical secret plots—have surged in popularity, particularly in times…[Continue Reading...]
This story is an accompaniment to a podcast series released by NPR's Embedded called Alternate Realities. You can listen to all three episodes here or wherever you listen to podcasts. About a year ago, my dad bet me $10,000 that…[Continue Reading...]
Conspiracy theories are all over social media. For some, that's as far as they go. But for reporter Zach Mack, conspiracy theories have infiltrated his family. After Mack's father became obsessed with conspiracy thinking, family relationships began to fray. Today…[Continue Reading...]
In an era of rampant misinformation and conspiracy theories amplified by social media, one of the most devastating consequences is the strain on personal relationships. Family members are left bewildered by the changes in loved ones, and some turn to…[Continue Reading...]
Fostering critical thinking can be an effective method to reduce people’s tendency to believe in conspiracy theories, an experimental study by University College Cork (UCC) psychologists has found. The study is the first to directly compare methods used to reduce…[Continue Reading...]
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