Conspiracy theorists ripped for saying ‘Simpsons’ predicted Maui wildfires in 2016

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This “Simpsons” prediction was no laughing matter. Conspiracy theorists have been torched online after crediting the seemingly clairvoyant cartoon with foretelling a wild and unfounded theory concerning the Hawaii wildfires. Tinfoil-hatted social media denizens detailed this outlandish allegation of life…[Continue Reading...]

Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s month-long parole ends, returns to Rohtak’s Sunaria jail

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Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim returned to Rohtak's Sunaria jail on Sunday after his month-long parole ended. According to a police official from Rohtak, Gurmeet Ram Rahim returned to Sunaria jail late afternoon. After being granted parole last…[Continue Reading...]

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