Father-of-three who grew up in the Plymouth Brethren ‘cult’ which ‘bans mobile phones and music’ claims he attempted suicide 3 times after being sexually abused as a teenager by an older church member

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A man born into a strict Church ‘cult’, where he was banned from listening to music or having friends, says he attempted suicide three times following years of sexual abuse.

John ‘Gilli’ Gilliland, 35, has claimed a ‘protected’ member of Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC) sexually abused him between the ages of 14 and 20, a time he recalled as being so ‘traumatic’ he wanted to end his life.

The PBCC is commonly referred to as a ‘cult’ by ex-members – however the church strongly denies this label and instead calls itself a ‘mainstream Christian church’.

John, a commercial director, who now lives in Northallerton in North Yorkshire, claimed the Church – a subset of the Christian evangelical movement – was so draconian its members glued book pages together if it went against their teachings.

He also claimed the PBCC’s ‘biblical teachings’ were ‘twisted to suit their own agenda’ and recalled having to ‘smash up’ his mobile phone because owning one was against the rules.

Content retrieved from: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13455433/Father-three-grew-Plymouth-Brethren-cult-bans-mobile-phones-music-claims-attempted-suicide-3-times-sexually-abused-teenager-older-church-member.html.

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