Dutch intelligence agency warns conspiracy theories pose ‘serious threat’

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Conspiracy theories which claim the government, journalists and scientists are controlled by a “small, evil elite” pose a “serious threat” to the democratic rule of law, the Dutch Intelligence agency warned Monday.

In its annual report, the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) described anti-institutional extremism as a long-term threat against democracy, considering that false messages continue to spread and adapt to current events.

“Initially they focused mainly on coronavirus measures. After most of those were abolished, the number of followers temporarily declined,” the agency said. “The climate crisis, nitrogen emissions and the war in Ukraine are now being discussed more and those who spread the theories are gaining support again.”

Conspiracy theories often focus on the idea that a small, evil elite controls not only the government but also the legal system, the news media and science. The Great Reset, which is often linked to the World Economic Forum, QAnon, 15-Minute City and the New World Order are well-known conspiracy theories.

“This elite is supposedly seeking to impose a totalitarian surveillance state and wishes to suppress Dutch people, make them slaves or even kill them,” the report said. “This elite allegedly stages events and phenomena to justify increasing control, such as the coronavirus pandemic, the nitrogen crisis and the war in Ukraine.”

The Dutch intelligence agency estimates that more than 100,000 people in the Netherlands are followers of anti-institutional conspiracy theories.

Content retrieved from: https://bnonews.com/index.php/2023/04/dutch-intelligence-agency-warns-conspiracy-theories-pose-serious-threat/.

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