HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe police on Wednesday said they have arrested a man claiming to be a prophet of an apostolic sect at a shrine where believers stay in a compound and authorities found 16 unregistered graves, including those…[Continue Reading...]
The partner of alleged cult leader William 'Little Pebble' Kamm was granted bail on Thursday. Mr Kamm is expected to apply for bail early next month but neither of the pair have entered pleas. The partner of an alleged cult…[Continue Reading...]
The key suspect in the Shakahola Massacre, Paul Nthenge Mackenzie, boycotted his bail hearing on Wednesday alongside 94 others who are facing terrorism charges. His lawyer, Wycliffe Makasembo, told the court that Mackenzie had boycotted the hearing due to discriminatory…[Continue Reading...]
The hippodrome was later purchased by the Gilbert Deya Ministries - a controversial group affiliated to preacher Gilbert Deya. He is infamous for promising "miraculous pregnancies" in his bizarre sermons.[Continue Reading...]
Police said Ishmael Chokurongerwa, 56, led a sect with more than 1,000 members at a farm about 21 miles north-west of Harare, Zimbabwe. Children were living alongside other ‘believers’ while ‘being used to perform various physical activities for the benefit…[Continue Reading...]
A day before raids on a cult compound after a probe into a decade of child grooming, the sect leader's devoted wife was making international phone calls to recruit a new member, police allege.Sandra Mathison was on Monday charged with…[Continue Reading...]
US journalist Jordan Green had unwanted visitors showing up in front of his house in upper-North Carolina when he encountered six neo-Nazis with lit flares and giving the infamous salute, according to media reports in late February. The six individuals…[Continue Reading...]
Research on radicalization risks and processes consistently points to the importance of social networks and interpersonal relationships in motivating toward or protecting against individual radicalization. It is critical to interrupt the radicalization process before people’s ideologies manifest into violence. Research,…[Continue Reading...]
Radical preacher Anjem Choudary appeared in court today accused of leading and directing the banned militant network Al-Muhajiroun. Choudary, 57, and Canadian national Khaled Hussain, 28, were arrested last July for membership of the proscribed organisation. The cleric was taken…[Continue Reading...]
The future of proselytizing—and surveillance—has arrived. An app called Bless Every Home, which has been backed by some of the biggest names in evangelical circles, is mapping the personal information of immigrants and non-Christians in a bid to conduct door-to-door…[Continue Reading...]
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