Cult Pressures Student To Give The Pastor Her Rent Money, So She Maliciously Complies

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A former member of the Love Has Won cult has spoken out after the mummified body of its leader was found in a Colorado home.

Love Has Won is an American new religious group, which was led by Amy Carlson until her death in 2021.

Carlson was referred to within the group as ‘Mother God’ and was proclaimed to be a divine, 19 billion year-old being who had birthed all creation. She also claimed to have been reincarnated 534 times.

Before her death, between 12 and 20 full-time members lived with the leader in Crestone, Colorado.

Unsurprisingly, the group has been often been described by both the media and its ex-members as a cult.

But, things get far weirder.

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