This Shocking Documentary About A Dangerous Sex Cult is Now Free to Stream

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Children of God is a terrifying look inside a treacherous sex cult that weaponized members’ faith to control the flock. The documentary recounts the Padilla family’s harrowing experience within the religion, what made them susceptible to the teachings, and how they eventually made their escape.

Before I offer my full endorsement, I should warn you that Children of God isn’t a particularly flashy production. It’s presented in 4:3 aspect ratio, looks like it was shot on a handheld camcorder, and appears as if it may be being played back on a VCR with tracking issues. With that said, the documentary does have the distinction of featuring narration by none other than Helen Mirren.

In spite of being rough around the edges, Children of God doesn’t hold back in its depictions of what it was like to live within the sinister organization. The film is often hard to watch and likely to induce some uncomfortable feelings. But it provides eye-opening depictions of what really goes on behind the scenes in a cult.

The naivety of the members certainly made a lot of what goes on behind-the-scenes possible. But there’s more to it than that. Children of God is a particularly dangerous organization because of the way they mixed the conventional tenants of Christianity with teachings from leader David Brandt Berg. That distinction blurs the lines and makes followers of the Christian faith less likely to see the organization for what it truly is.

Life within the Children of God cult ultimately proves to be a terrifying prospect. Those living within the organization have every aspect of their lives controlled. The children are fed propaganda in video form. And we’re not talking about run-of-the-mill control tactics. The kids were aggressively instructed on even the most innocuous of tasks. Some reported they were told that using more than three squares of toilet paper was sinful because it was “a waste of The Lord’s money.” You really cannot make this stuff up.

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