Tag: UK

Leeds man who labelled church a ‘cult’ not guilty of harassing members whose accusations were an ‘exercise in pearl clutching’

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Lance Christie, 57, was acquitted yesterday (Wednesday) at Leeds Magistrates’ Court of one charge of harassment against eight members of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church; including two of his sons and his nephew. It was heard that Christie delivered letters…[Continue Reading...]

Scientologists win the latest stage of ‘public worship’ legal fight

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Scientologists have won the latest stage of a legal fight centred on whether a Church of Scientology chapel is a place of “public religious worship”. The Church of Scientology Religious Education College became involved in a dispute, at a specialist valuation…[Continue Reading...]

Barber who sent thousands of pounds from Covid bounceback loans to ISIS terrorists in Syria for sniper rifles yells ‘May Allah destroy you’ at police as he is jailed for 12 years

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A barber who sent thousands of pounds of Covid-19 bounce back loans to so-called Islamic State terrorists in Syria has been jailed for 12 years. Tarek Namouz, 43, thanked the judge but shouted 'May Allah destroy you' at police officers…[Continue Reading...]

Rapist who was freed from jail before using Covid loans to fund Isis is found guilty of providing money for terrorism

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A convicted rapist who was radicalised in prison funnelled more than £18,000 of taxpayers’ cash to Islamic State in his Syria homeland. Tarek Namouz, 43, claimed Covid loans from Hammersmith and Fulham Council for his west London barbershop but sent…[Continue Reading...]

Record number of young people arrested for terror offences

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London’s top counter-terrorism officer has warned that the Metropolitan Police is becoming “increasingly concerned” by the number of young people being radicalised by extremist ideologies. It comes as Home Office figures reveal that 33 under-18s were arrested for terror offences…[Continue Reading...]

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