A desire to disrupt the established political system is a strong motivator for sharing conspiracy theories, new research suggests. This is regardless of if the sharer believes the theories they're sharing or not. Researchers even have a term for this…[Continue Reading...]
A lecturer at the University of Waterloo and a post-doctoral fellow at Queen’s University in Kingston, she studies religion and social theory. Her primary focus rests on conspiracy theories, the Christian belief that the world is coming to an end…[Continue Reading...]
New research has found a significant relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms, obsessive passion for ideological beliefs, and radical intentions. The study, published in the journal Aggressive Behavior, suggests that the intensity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms could be a key factor in…[Continue Reading...]
A conspiracy theory is defined as a theory that rejects the standard explanation for an event and instead credits a covert group or organization with carrying out a secret plot. Chances are, you can think of at least one conspiracy…[Continue Reading...]
See the vast in-depth historical archive about Scientology at the Cult Education Institute, which includes everything from Scientology's history to the celebrities and seemingly odd practices that make this "church" so controversial.[Continue Reading...]
"Christians"? Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate Christmas. Take a closer look at the Cult Education Institute archive about the organization that may come knocking at your door.[Continue Reading...]
From flags etched with burning Qs to “Where we go one, we go all” T-shirts and the infamous “QAnon Shaman,” the presence of QAnon at the Jan. 6 Capitol attack was palpable. Also prominent, albeit somewhat less visibly, were various…[Continue Reading...]
Researchers found conspiracy theories among the extreme right drive antisemitism and violence, according to a report published late last month. The GW Program on Extremism and the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation published a report that discusses the…[Continue Reading...]
The rapid outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) led to a pandemic known as the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. A recent Scientific Reports study assessed the effect of religiosity, education, trust in scientists, and political orientation on people’s belief…[Continue Reading...]
Conspiracy theories are nothing new. But, since the evolution of the internet, their ability to spread around the world has increased exponentially. As of 2022, roughly 70 percent Americans see misinformation as a major threat to society, compared to 57…[Continue Reading...]
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