Conspiracy theories have occurred in society for centuries, but they have gained increased prominence in our contemporary culture, fueled by the unease of an anxious world. In the high-speed information exchange and social media bubble, these theories find fertile ground…[Continue Reading...]
This educational video about cults was once sold as a DVD by the Cult Education Institute, but is now available for free on YouTube. It's a detailed examination of how destructive cults operate. The most pressing questions about cult behavior,…[Continue Reading...]
When it comes to predicting conspiracy beliefs, much of the literature focuses on political partisanship. But new research published in American Politics Research, suggests that there are other more important factors. The national study revealed that anti-social personality traits, anti-establishment orientations,…[Continue Reading...]
All across the country, there are signs of a more radicalized American populace. It’s become impossible to ignore over the past few years. The US has witnessed an insurrection, the rise of QAnon, increasing anti-Semitism, attacks on the LGBTQ community,…[Continue Reading...]
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