The power of influencers over our personal lives boggles the mind. Even those who have been called out multiple times continue to amass legions of fans and followers. But most are modern-day godmen and snake-oil salesmen riding on our insecurity…[Continue Reading...]
Jay Shetty, the self-help podcaster, former Hindu monk and bestselling author whose Hollywood status led him to officiate the wedding of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, plagiarized social media posts and lied about key aspects of his life while climbing…[Continue Reading...]
Jay Shetty, the self-help podcaster and bestselling author whose Hollywood status led him to officiate the wedding of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, plagiarized social media posts and lied about key aspects of his life while climbing the ladder to…[Continue Reading...]
It’s a place trapped in time. It’s what remains of the cult that once called the area home. “In 1894, a man named Cyrus Teed found this land and brought his followers down to build a commune,” author and FGCU…[Continue Reading...]
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