Tag: New York

Church of Scientology buys Long Island office property for $15.2M 

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The Church of Scientology has purchased an office property in Melville for $15.2 million.The California-based church bought the 62,500-square-foot office building on 5.5 acres at 263 Old Country Road. Built in 1999, the two-story office building, which has parking for…[Continue Reading...]

The three-decade saga that led to the Crown Heights tunnels

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Last week, after underground tunnels were discovered near the Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in Crown Heights and attempts by synagogue officials to perform repairs were prevented by a group of yeshiva students, a mini-riot broke out after police showed up to restore…[Continue Reading...]

How an Exclusive NYC Cult Influenced the 1970’s Art Scene

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“I was like reborn,” the art critic Clement Greenberg once remembered, “it was the most important event in my life.” The event in question was his encounter with Sullivanian therapy. His biographer, Florence Rubenfeld, once wrote that it would not…[Continue Reading...]

Review: Inside New York’s 20th Century Psychotherapeutic Cult

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The postwar era saw many attempts to find new ways of thinking and living that avoided the dissatisfactions and interpersonal nightmares that often arose in more traditional structures. Since human happiness and flourishing are difficult and can't be hacked with…[Continue Reading...]

Judge rejects NXIVM leader Keith Raniere’s claim FBI framed him

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NEW YORK — A federal judge denied NXIVM leader Keith Raniere's bid for a new trial, rejecting his argument that FBI agents planted evidence to frame him for possession of child pornography. In a decision issued Monday, Senior U.S. District…[Continue Reading...]

Ex-NXIVM leader faces setback in quest for new trial

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Former NXIVM leader Keith Raniere has faced another setback in his attempts for a new trial. A judge has rejected Raniere’s motion for post-conviction discovery. That is evidence that existed at the time of the trial, but was only discovered…[Continue Reading...]

Ultra-Orthodox rabbis decide to sue New York over having to teach English, science

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ALBANY — Rabbis from ultra-Orthodox private schools said they are planning to sue the state Education Department over regulations about what they teach, they decided at a meeting Sunday. They also directed their schools to stop accepting public funding for…[Continue Reading...]

NXIVM’s Nancy Salzman released from federal prison

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ALBANY — Former NXIVM president Nancy Salzman is out of federal prison less than 20 months into her 3½ year sentence for admitted crimes as Keith Raniere’s top deputy in the cult-like personal growth organization. The 69-year-old Salzman, formerly of…[Continue Reading...]

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