Fundamentalist Christian sect the Exclusive Brethren has amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in its tax-free charities at the same time as private companies run by the family of the church’s supreme leader have made millions from COVID contracts. Australian…[Continue Reading...]
Japan's parliament enacted a law on Wednesday to strengthen monitoring of movements of religious corporation assets possibly subject to legal claims, as the nation moves to protect people caught up in exploitative donation solicitation practices like those employed by the…[Continue Reading...]
TOKYO: Japan's lower house on Tuesday passed a bill to prevent the controversial religious sect Unification Church from moving assets as concerns grew that the religious group would attempt to hide its funds overseas as it faces compensation demands. The…[Continue Reading...]
Tokyo, Nov. 15 (Jiji Press)--A project team of Japan's ruling coalition has called for obliging the controversial religious group Unification Church to notify authorities of any disposal of its real estate properties in advance, as part of efforts to ensure…[Continue Reading...]
Tokyo, Oct. 19 (Jiji Press)--Japan's ruling parties have agreed to study the need for a law to preserve the assets of the controversial religious group Unification Church, after the government asked a court last week to order the group's dissolution.…[Continue Reading...]
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