QAnon’s Undying Hate for Tom Hanks Grows Stronger Every Day

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There’s a long history of extremists and wingnuts targeting politicians for violence. So, the fact that David DePape—a San Francisco carpenter and deep-seated QAnon junkie—allegedly broke into the Pelosi household and bludgeoned Paul Pelosi half to death can be understood within a broader context of horrific domestic terrorism. (“I’m sick of the insane fucking level of lies coming out of Washington, D.C.,” he reportedly said at the scene of the crime. “I’m not going to stand here and do nothing, even if it costs me my life.” It’s all standard New World Order stuff.) What’s less common is for that general sense of insurgent conspiratorial thinking to name the star of Joe Versus the Volcano as one of its archenemies. And yet, in a preliminary hearing of the assault, we learned that DePape had exactly him in mind.

I’m talking, of course, about Tom Hanks. As in, Woody from Toy Story, or Forrest Gump, or David S. Pumpkins—all played by the squeaky-clean guy who’s held on to his status as the most beloved man in Hollywood for over three decades. QAnon devotees have maintained a whole constellation of strange occultist precepts (like, for instance, that John F. Kennedy Jr. is both still alive and a Trump supporter), but nothing rivals the idea that Hanks is a chief operative within the eldritch secret society of Satanic liberals plunging the world to its ultimate doom. And if good-boy Hanks isn’t safe from this in a post-MAGA America, none of us are.

It’s hard to know exactly why Hanks became an obsession for Unhinged America, but most experts point to Isaac Kappy, an actor who booked a couple of small roles in the early 2010s, and then became a minor celebrity in Q-adjacent communities when he appeared on Alex Jones’ radio show to accuse several Hollywood stars of Pizzagate-style sex trafficking. Hanks was one of the people Kappy named—without any evidence, of course—and the troubled actor would later become part of the greater QAnon hagiography when he died in 2019 after falling off a bridge in Arizona. (Kappy left what later appeared to be a suicide note on his Instagram account, where he apologized to Trump, God, and QAnon.) Like so many other tragedies (Seth Rich, Sandy Hook, and so on), the radicalized Q lifers had no trouble connecting Kappy’s untimely death to a broader campaign of ritualistic slaughter engineered by child-eating Democrats. Within moments, the game was on.

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1 comment

  1. QAnon cult has created a crazy alternate universe where what’s bad is good and what’s good is bad. No wonder the QAnon faithful hate Tom Hanks.

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