New search to find missing mum and daughter who were part of a doomsday cult

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In 2007, four members of a doomsday cult, Chantelle McDougall, her daugther Leela McDougall, Antonio Konstantin Popic and Gary Felton, disappeared from the small picturesque town of Nannup in WA’s southwest.

A coronial inquest was held a decade later into their suspected deaths but it could not be established beyond reasonable doubt what happened to the missing group.

Now the uncle of Chantelle and her daughter Leela, who were aged 27 and 6-years old when they disappeared, is about to launch a new investigation into their disappearance.

Retired Victorian police officer Barry McIntosh is raising funds to travel to WA in July to launch new inquiries into the disappearance of his niece and her daughter.

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