Neo-Nazi charged with defacing Michigan synagogue

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A white supremacist was arrested and indicted on Thursday for vandalizing synagogues in Michigan with Nazis symbols in a plan he and co-conspirators called “Operation Kristallnacht.”

Nathan Weeden, 23, was charged in federal court with conspiracy against rights, and damaging religious property, for the attacks on synagogues in 2019.

Weeden allegedly vandalized Temple Jacob in the Michigan town of Hancock, part of a campaign organized with co-conspirators Richard Tobin and Yousef Barasneh. Weeden was charged with defacing the synagogue with swastikas and symbols associated with “the Base,” a white supremacist group to which the men belonged.

The suspects, led by Tobin, discussed vandalizing property associated with Jews and Black Americans on an encrypted messaging platform.

They called the coordinated planned attack “Operation Kristallnacht,” the Department of Justice said. Kristallnacht, meaning “the night of broken glass,” was a 1938 Nazi program in Germany and Austria that heralded the start of the Holocaust.

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